4020 Jatabest Epitaph 자타베스트 비문碑文

__*100-4020 Jatabest Epitaph 자타베스트 비문碑文 4020 .
Good Study Network. Rest now if tired. Know is power. Make network. Empty Fill. Empty is fast and simple way. Fill is exact and complicated way. Empty desire Fill need. Empty the desire to do something and not to do something. Fill the need food sleep job money. Sky Earth People. God created Sky Earth People. Jatabest is the best for ja me and ta you.
건강康 공부學 인맥人. 피곤하면 즉시쉬라. 아는것이 힘이다. 마당발이 되어라. 비움空 채움滿. 비움은 빠르고 단순한 길이다. 채움은 정확하고 복잡한 길이다. 무욕필품 無慾必品. 무엇을 하려는 욕심과 무엇을 하지않으려는 욕심을 비워라. 밥잠일돈 필품을 채워라. 하늘天 땅地 사람人. 하느님은 하늘 땅 사람을 창조하였다. 자타베스트는 나(自)와 너(他)를 위한 최선(best)이다.
__*100-4020 Jatabest Epitaph 4020 01 02 03 04

__*100-4020 Jatabest Epitaph 4020 .
Good Study Network. Rest now if tired. Know is power. Make network. Empty Fill. Empty is fast and simple way. Fill is exact and complicated way. Empty desire Fill need. Empty the desire to do something and not to do something. Fill the need food sleep job money. Sky Earth People. God created Sky Earth People. Jatabest is the best for ja me and ta you.