30 4000 Run world Fill need 질주필품 疾走必品

__*4000 Run world Fill need 질주필품 疾走必品 4000 .
Run 달림走 (↑) Fill 채움滿 (↓)
Run world 질주疾走 (↑) Fill need 필품必品 (↓)
Run the world. Fill the need. It is how to complete happiness.
세상을 달려라. 필품을 채워라. 이것은 행복완성의 방법이다.
Run the world east west south north.
Fill the need food sleep job money.
동서남북 세상을 달려라. 밥잠일돈 필품을 채워라.

__* Run world Fill need 4000 01 02