7078 토익단어 02

__*7078 토익단어 02 7078 .
A bit . Annoy 짜증나게하다 . Applicant 지원자 . Appointment 예약 . Arranged . Arrogant 거만한 . Attract 끌어모으다 . Bake 굽다 . Banquet 연회 . Beat 이기다 . Best Answer . Bitter 쓴 . Boss . Bulletin board . Casual 비공식적인 . Catch a flight 비행기를 타다 . Caterer 연회업체 . Celebrate 축하하다 . Clever 영리한 . Clinic 병원 . Closet . Could we walk instead? . Currently . Distribute 배포 . Drawer . Dull 둔한 . Experience 경험 . Feature 특징 . Feed 먹이다 . Find it helpful 느끼다 . Fill out 제출하다 . Fully booked 모두 예약된 . Gentle 온순한 . Here you go . How did you like . I really dont mind . I will let you know later . Indifferent 무관심한 . Indoor . Inquire 문의하다 . Intersection . Iron 다리미 . Item 물건 . Job fair . Job posting 구인공고 . Laptop 노트북 . Leak 새다 . Leaves 낙엽 . Linded up . Maintenance 보수관리 . Malfunctioning 고장난 . Misplace . Move in 이사오다 . On leave 휴가 . On time . On vacation 휴가 . On view 전시중 . One that has to do with . Opened item . Organize 정리하다 . Out of stock 재고없다 . Outdoor . Overlooking . Package . Paperwork 서류작업 Pedestrian . Piled . Placed . Plain 평범한 . Plate . Posted . Pot 냄비 . Properly . Purchase . Qualified . Recently . Recommend 권유하다 . Recruit 채용하다 . Remodel 개조 . Renovation 수리 . Repair 수리하다 . Sales figures 판매수치 . See a doctor 병원가다 . Send . Set up . Shift 교대근무 . Shipping company 배송회사 . Sidewalk . Sold out 매진 . Sour 신 . Spicy 매운 . Staff . Storage room . Stove 난로 . Stuff 물건 . Suitcase . Task 업무 . That works for me 가능하다 . Track 선로 . Unoccupied . Vacate 비우다 . Water this plant . Wave 손을 흔들다 . Which one would you prefer? . Work 작동 . Working on . Would be better .